Education Time ! : CopingLink (CL) (updated 10.04.2021)

" What is copinglink (AKA CL) ? "

" What is copinglink (AKA CL) ? "

' Copinglinks are a coping mechanism to deal with stress, trauma, or other issues by identifying as someone / something knowingly, willingly, and actively. '

" Are they controllable? "

" Are they controllable? "

' For the most part yes, They are a way to cope and seek comfort in. However if under a lot of stress, can happen as a way to dissociate from the stressful situation. Usually to a copinglink they feel would be more mature about the situation. '

" Are they like delusions? "

" Are they like delusions? "

' no!
(for the most part) its actively, knowingly, and conciously identifying as something. Delusions are unintentional and test the borders of reality and imagination. '

" So what is the difference between D/As and Copinglinks? "

" So what is the difference between D/As and copinglinks? "

' D/As are unintentional and for the most part cant be controlled, They can be constant or episodic (usually during psychosis episodes.) and are a symptom of an underlying mental illness! however copinglinks are a coping mechanism, like dissociation. It is done for comfort and usually (exceptions being VERY high stress situations) done willingly and conciously ! '

" Can a Coping link be anything and can i have Multiple Copinglinks? "

" Can a Coping link be anything and can i have Multiple Copinglinks? "

' Yes! '

" How do you know if you have a copinglink? "

" How do you know if you have a copinglink? "

' How do you know if you have a copinglink? " Its when you identify as someone when you get in a bad state to make yourself more confident / for comfort, however you are aware you aren't TRULY TRULY irl them. You do identify as them and present as them, but aware there is a line between self and the CL. '
